Wednesday 7 December 2011

Film poster NO.2

On the second poster I added a photo of Shaun to the side. The image I chose was a medium shot of him, so he is visible from his head to his waist. The background colour I chose was a gradient that blended from black to white, and at the top of the poster I added “Coming soon”. I turned the title round so it was vertical and placed it to the side of the poster, opposite Shaun. This poster is very plain compared to my other poster
and for the second poster, I would add a bit more to it, whether that be a bit of text or a small image. I think I could’ve added a distributor logo to the second poster too to make it look more official like the first poster. Also, I think I could’ve chosen a better photo to use for the second poster because Shaun’s facial expression looks like he is smirking, but he is the goodie in the film so he shouldn’t be smirking like that like he is a mischievous character because he isn’t like that at all, the character of Shaun is very shy and timid, and I think that the first poster shows what sort of character Shaun is, by looking at his serious face.
 Josh has a mask on which instantly makes him creepy and mysterious, by looking at him, you can tell that he is the bad character. He isn’t visible in the second poster because I wanted the poster to focus on Shaun because he is the main character in the film.
I have recently improved the second poster to make it look more like a Film Noir poster.

Film Poster - The Exchange

Film poster evaluation;

For this project, I had to design my own film poster for my group’s film. The film title is The Exchange, which suggests that something dodgy will be exchanged during the film, so therefore it makes the film dark & spooky, which is why the colours I chose are black and red.
 I decided to have a close up of Shaun’s face on the poster because he’s the main character. He is pulling a serious face which shows that the film probably isn’t suitable for children, and Film Noir films aren’t usually suitable for children.
 The other character, Josh, is also visible on the poster; however, his image isn’t a close up like Shaun’s. His image is much smaller and has a big dark shadow covering a bit of his right side which makes him very mysterious.
 In the middle of the poster the title can be seen. It is written in a big bold font, and is red with little shiny white strokes on the letters. This stands out from the images of Shaun and Josh and will grab the audience’s attention. Underneath the title I added a tagline “Who’s the lurking in the shadows?” I think that this suitable and is punchy. I altered the shape of the tagline so it’s leaning to the side, I done this because it turns it into a shape of a shadow because shadows are slanted.
 At the bottom of the poster I added a release date, and I also made it quite punchy “Watch your back on October 15th” the “Watch your back” bit, I think, ties in really well with the film.
 I think that the poster suits its audience – 15+ males & females, because of its dark unfriendly colours. Also, the seriousness on Shaun’s face suggests that the film is aimed at teenagers and adults, not children. The colours indicate that the film could be violent, in some way, and that nothing good happens in the film.
 I decided that the film would be distributed by DreamWorks and 20th Century Fox, because they are very big companies in the film industry, and people will know that the film means business. I also added a quote from The Sun critics “One of the best movies this year” because I thought that it would grab more people’s attention and will make them want to see the film when it’s released.
 I also made Shaun and Josh’s images black and white to make the film tie in more with the Film Noir genre. I think that the black and white gives the poster a negative effect and that does blend in with the film because overall the film is negative; Violence. The effect also tells the audience what age group the film is aimed at, because children films are always very colourful.

When making the poster, I used Photoshop. I used different layers, and different tools to make the poster.
I did intend to use the magic wand tool to get rid of the background on the images of Shaun and Josh but had problems with it, so I ended up using the eraser tool. I then copied and pasted the images onto a black background, then used the soften tool which blended the edges to make the images have a feathered outline.
 For the writing, I added shadows and different glows to them to make them stand out, which I think, worked.
 I resized Josh’s image to make him smaller. I did this by changing the scale. I cropped Shaun’s face so it was big and clear, I think it came out very clear due to the high resolution of the photograph. I also changed the contrast on both images to give them a shadowy effect.
 I decided that I wanted my poster be in landscape format because I knew that I would have been able to fit more things onto the poster, than on a portrait format, however, when I designed a second poster, I made it on a portrait format, and I wasn’t able to add many things to it.
 On the second poster I added a photo of Shaun to the side. The image I chose was a medium shot of him, so he is visible from his head to his waist. The background colour I chose was a gradient that blended from black to white, and at the top of the poster I added “Coming soon”. I turned the title round so it was vertical and placed it to the side of the poster, opposite Shaun. This poster is very plain compared to my other poster.
 Out of the two posters I designed, I prefer the first one that I made because it’s very “in your face” and has the ability to stand out, whereas the second poster doesn’t.

If I could change anything, I wouldn’t have as much text on the first poster because I think that the poster is too busy, however, I much prefer the first one compared to the second one.

Analysing 5 different movie posters

The main focus on this film poster is the still unit from the film, which is Katie and Micah in bed, looking at the shadowy figure on the door. The poster is dark and spooky, which tells the audience that the genre of the film is horror. A time code can be seen in the still unit which suggests that a camera/webcam has something to do with the film.
The title is written in big red spaced out letters. The title is very “In-your-face” due to its colour, and its ability to stand out from the background.
At the top of the poster is a quote from a critic. The quote ties in with the film title and unit still, by saying “Paranormal Activity is one of the scariest movies of all time” The quote does stand out on the black background due to it being white. This makes it clear and easy to read for the audience.

The main focus on this film poster is the portrait of adult Simba at the top right-hand corner. Most of the characters are looking in the same direction - towards the sun. Apart from Scar who is looking up at Simba with an evil smile.
The title stands out because it is written inside a black box, which stands out from the orange and yellow background.
From the main features of this poster, you can tell that this film is a family film.
The poster does not contain any quotes from the critics; this could be because The Lion King has been re-released multiple times, so therefore the film isn’t new.
THX and Disney DVD logos can be seen at the bottom of the poster. The THX logo tells the audience that the film has been remastered to make it more enjoyable for the viewer. Due to the Disney DVD logo being visible, it shows the audience that the film is suitable for children; this could be why there is no certificate on the poster

The main focus on this poster is the crowd, the stadium and OM the robot. When you see the crowd, you immediately know that the film is to do with a concert.
It is a low-angle shot, slightly looking up towards OM, so the consumer can feel part of the crowd. Also it makes OM look big and powerful.
The title is small, but does stand out due to its colour.
There is no tagline on the poster, no company logo, and no quotes.
I think this poster is aimed at anyone who enjoys concerts, but mainly Take That fans, plus, some fans that were at Progress Live could be on the DVD, so they may see it and think “I could be on that. I want to see it”

The first thing that catches your attention is the big title. It is big, bold, and white. It stands out because of its colour. The background is dark, using black and brown. The title also has scratches going through it which suggests some sort of violence.
The image of the soldiers is a wide angle, so you can see the soldiers standing in a line.
Underneath the image is a tag line.
I think this poster is aimed at young to middle aged men because of the colours used and the title of the film. The word “brothers” indicates males, so I think most of the people who would see this would be male.
DreamWorks and HBO company logos are visible at the bottom of the poster, which suggests that the film is going to be very good because DreamWorks and HBO are very successful companies.

The main focus in this poster is the main characters. They are seen having a good time, which suggests that the film is feel-good movie. There are no dark, spooky colours. The main colours used are white, blue and pink.
The title is at the top in a big font, which makes it stand out.
The shot of the characters is a long shot so all the main characters can be seen.
The tagline at the bottom of the poster is written in the same font and colour as the title. It stands out from the white pavement. It is also quite a cheesy tagline, which makes the poster more feminine.
In both bottom corners the film certificate can be seen “PG”. This informs the audience that this film is suitable for most ages, which could class the film as a “family” film.

The first thing that catches your eye is the characters at the top of the poster. Their portraits are very big, so therefore they stand out. Underneath the characters is the title. It is written in a pirate-style font, this ties in with the film name. Underneath the title is a painting of a ship on the sea, with a mermaid watching close by. This shows the audience that the film is an adventure.
It says at the bottom of the poster about the film being available in 3D as well as 2D. Next to that it has the release date “May 18” which could suggest that the film is hoping to be the summer’s blockbuster film. The date is written in red. This makes it stand out, so it’s easy for the audience to see when the film will be at the cinema.


Photography research

Gary Moyes;
Gary Moyes has been in the photography business for 20 years.
His creative use of light and composition has enabled him to become one of Londons leading photographers. He specialises in still photography.
He has been fortunate to work worldwide on both editorial and corporate commissions.
He shoots in the studio and on location and is happy to undertake all aspects of photographic production or simply to arrive at location with camera.
He likes to photograph celebrities. He takes photographs whilst actors are filming.
This photograph of Derren Brown was taken by Moyes. It is a medium shot because not all his body can be seen. You can tell that it was taken in a studio.

Alex James;
Based in London his work covers fashion, advertising
and portraiture. He uses the latest digital technology to
satisfy both Advertising and Editorial clients internationally.
He likes to take landscape photographs. He is also an interior
 and lifestyle photographer. Alex is also a professional
wedding/portrait photographer
 and has professionally photographed
celebrities such as Emma Watson.
This photograph was taken by James. This image shows that he likes to take landscape photos.